Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Weird Messages That I Received

I have a Facebook page which has a decent number of followers. I update it regularly though not as regularly as my Instagram and Twitter. Among the different social media platforms that I am active on, I have the most messages and comments on my Facebook page.

The awesome thing about those messages and comments that I get is knowing that there are many people out there who are concerned about me and the channel. When I posted about my flu, there were numerous people who left incredibly sweet messages for me, wishing me well. People also enjoy leaving me suggestions for future videos which I really appreciate. It really pleased me to know how much our work has impacted people's lives. 

However some messages rendered me speechless, I don't even know how to reply to those messages. Messages are different from how you speak to a real person in REAL LIFE. It is absolutely normal to say hi to a person in real life but it's super weird when you just send a message with just 2 letters without the slightest indication of the purpose of the message. You don't send out an email with just "Hi" right? I thought it's only appropriate to state your purpose of the message after saying hi. Sometimes I get messages like that:

A: Hi
Me: Hi
A: Hi :)

WHAT?! It's already weird enough that you didn't state your purpose and you just said hi again? In cases like that, I would stop replying because I suspect it may be a never ending trap. 

These are more examples: 

It was really tough trying to figure out what this person was saying because it wasn't in proper English. I guess this person wanted me to shout out to his friends? But I had no idea who these friends are and what kind of shout out this person wants me to do. 

It's really weird to ask me to do something when I don't know him. And worse of all, I barely have a clue about what he wants from me. Just too weird. 

OK. This is another one of those non-English message. I only managed to identify about 15 English words out of the entire message? So I guessed this person meant: 
Hi Miss Foxy, can I ask you a question? Are you a peranakan chinese? Because you look like my ????? from ????? And lastly ???? your guy can make some videos about peranakan. 

I am not a grammar nazi. (That's Aaron and Elliot.) I don't even proclaim to have perfect English. But reading messages or comments with obvious grammar and spelling errors is going to give me a stroke sooner or later.

THIS IS THE WEIRDEST. Did he think I was part of a dating agency?! I know this is mean but I laughed at the absurdness of this message. He concluded that I was an honest and sincere woman from going through my Facebook page? AND concluded that I was the one? How?! 

After receiving numerous messages in weird English, I decided to give this person the benefit of the doubt and trust that he wasn't being rude, but just has really bad command of the language. I decided that he was asking me which country I am from instead of the exact location because that will be incredibly creepy. Name u? I guess he was asking me for my real name and not screen name. 

Reading the comments and messages on YouTube and Facebook forced me to come to a conclusion. One that I wish that I would never have to make. People have serious EQ problems.

Friday, 14 June 2013

Best App Ever

So I was just browsing Facebook a while back and I came across this incredibly entertaining video posted by my friend.

This video is actually an ad to promote Durex's latest iPhone app. My initial reaction was disbelief. Seriously?! A condom delivery app?! I thought it was just a joke. But curiosity got the better of me and I decided to go check it out at the app store. And this is what I found:

OH MY GOD! It's real! So apparently this is how it works, you identify your location and then select the product you want. It will then be delivered to you within an hour. How innovative is that?! It's like ordering MacDonalds! 24 hours delivery even! *Only available in Dubai*

No, in case you're wondering if I'm promoting Durex or condoms. I just found this marketing strategy really interesting. I always admire the marketing teams of companies that sells products which are not so socially accepted such as condoms and sanitary pads. It's really tough for them but many have created awesome ads such as this:

A good marketing team can make an all right product seem god-like and influence public's perception of it. The power of marketing. Never underestimate it. 

Saturday, 8 June 2013

LoL 2nd Anniversary

As some of you may know, I am currently working in Garena Singapore, an online gaming publisher. People often mistook me as a GM (game master), honestly I can't really blame them. This is a common misconception that everyone who works at a gaming company is a GM. There are many other things that one can do in gaming company such as finance, management, operations etc.

The crazy crowd at Bugis+.

Cosplayers Lulu and Annie. 

Anyway that's not the main topic for my post today. I was at the Garena LoL 2nd Anniversary held at Bugis+ yesterday. And THE CROWD WAS INSANE. More than 5,000 people registered for the freebies, way more than the Garena Carnival which is supposed to be the biggest annual Garena event. Totally unexpected. Like what the Garena Stadium manager said, it was like attending the IT Fair. We had expected a decent crowd but not THIS MANY PEOPLE. This goes to show that despite being in Singapore for only 2 years, League of Legends has really gained a large following.

Sad that I can't join the fun because I'm stuck in the production room. 

Even though I may be a familiar face on YouTube, I am actually quite shy. I was trying to hide from the crowd the entire day. Okay, that's a lie. I was actually in charged of the productions so I was in the production room almost throughout the entire event, controlling what goes on and off the screens.

Many of you came by to take pictures with Aaron and me which was totally cool. We were happy to know that so many of you enjoy and love our videos. It inspires us to make better videos in future. I am perfectly fine with people coming forward to ask for pictures and autographs but I am kind of creeped out by people who just stands around and gawk. Really, it's very creepy. Or people who walk passed me and just shout "Foxy!" and when I turned around, I have no idea who just called me. Is this a game? Because it's not fun and I don't want to play this game. Be cool and come up to say hi. We don't bite.

Monday, 3 June 2013

Acting VS. Reality

Look at the number of pills I have to pop! OMG! 

Since I am home today due to sick leave, I shall write another post.

As some of you may have known, Wah!Banana recently collaborated with YouTubers from Malaysia and Singapore such as DanKhoo Productions, Joseph Germani and N.O.C - Night Owl Cinematics to produce an extremely cool and interactive video.

Watch it here if you haven't! You can choose not to save me, I won't get upset. But of course, why won't you save me, right? LOL. Kidding. :D 
(Oh yes, by the way you need to actually click on the annotations to watch the different endings if you didn't realize that.) 

I was reading some of the comments that were posted about the video as I always do for all of our videos. And I realized that some people fail to differentiate between acting and reality. It's simple, really. What you see in the video is known as ACTING.

As explained by the Oxford Dictionary:


[mass noun]
  • the art or occupation of performing FICTIONAL roles in plays, films, or television

It's FICTIONAL. It's not real. It's fake.

In scenes whereby I am being portrayed as naked, people truly believed that I was walking around on set without my clothes on. Or scenes whereby it seems that Aaron and I were being intimate, people believed that we were really having sex. Or scenes whereby I am acting as a couple with either Elliot or Aaron, people believed that we are a couple. REALLY?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!

The classic scene of Aaron and I acting intimate in 20 Ways to Break Up.

Hence, I wish to emphasize here that what you see on screen; regardless it being on TV, YouTube, Cinema etc, they are usually fictional unless stated otherwise. And I truly think that it is to your benefit that you do not believe everything you see or hear on the media. Always question and think. Yes, thinking is actually good for you.

Sunday, 2 June 2013

First Blog Post!

Yeah! This is my very first post on this blog. You must be wondering why I decided to start a blog all of a sudden. 

It isn't a sudden thought. In fact, I have been wanting to start one for some time, just kinda lazy to get down to doing it. And since I'm stuck at home because of my stupid flu (that also took away my voice and I am going to kill that person who passed me the virus. I just don't know who yet). I'm like thinking, oh what the heck! Just start a blog la! 

Regarding the content of this blog, just one word. ANYTHING. I am just going to post anything that comes to mind. It may be behind-the-scenes of Wah!Banana, stories of my friends, family, dog and of course, my rantings. So if you are here to find out more about the life of the real Foxy, you will not be disappointed! 

Cookie, the cutest dog in the world. LIKE A BOSS.

I will try to post at least once a week. (I'm really busy! >.<)

By the way, I'm feeling immensely handicapped without my voice. I can't even defend myself when insulted. Which happened yesterday when Aaron (aka Djehuty) called me the Queen of Midgets and laughed at my height. #$@%#$%^

*This is kinda rush so I apologize for the fugly design. I'm trying to keep it as simple as possible.