Sunday, 2 June 2013

First Blog Post!

Yeah! This is my very first post on this blog. You must be wondering why I decided to start a blog all of a sudden. 

It isn't a sudden thought. In fact, I have been wanting to start one for some time, just kinda lazy to get down to doing it. And since I'm stuck at home because of my stupid flu (that also took away my voice and I am going to kill that person who passed me the virus. I just don't know who yet). I'm like thinking, oh what the heck! Just start a blog la! 

Regarding the content of this blog, just one word. ANYTHING. I am just going to post anything that comes to mind. It may be behind-the-scenes of Wah!Banana, stories of my friends, family, dog and of course, my rantings. So if you are here to find out more about the life of the real Foxy, you will not be disappointed! 

Cookie, the cutest dog in the world. LIKE A BOSS.

I will try to post at least once a week. (I'm really busy! >.<)

By the way, I'm feeling immensely handicapped without my voice. I can't even defend myself when insulted. Which happened yesterday when Aaron (aka Djehuty) called me the Queen of Midgets and laughed at my height. #$@%#$%^

*This is kinda rush so I apologize for the fugly design. I'm trying to keep it as simple as possible. 

1 comment:

  1. Am i the first to comment in foxy blog?
