Friday, 29 August 2014

Stop Being a Bully

Being in the public exposed me to all sorts of scrutiny. I don't get offended when people comment on how I look (eg. "she's ugly", "there are prettier girls out there", etc) or mistake me for someone else. I usually just roll my eyes at those comments and forget about them the very next moment.

But I do get offended by rude comments. I don't like rude people.

Here are some examples:
- Commenting on how they want to pleasure themselves. Totally inappropriate and unnecessary. I always get the impression that these men are sexually-deprived.
- "She looks like a pig, horse, etc" Erm... are you sure you know how to differentiate humans from animals?
- VULGARITIES. Simply shows how uncouth you are.
- Insulting other commenters, nationalities, race or religions. These people have absolutely no respect for others.

There are also other comments that my fellow YouTubers and bloggers have received, calling them names like "slut", "asshole", "jerk", etc. Really? If you are going to insult someone, maybe try expanding your vocabulary first?

If there is something that you are not pleased with, here are some suggestions on what you can do about it:
- Ignore. Don't spend time on something you don't agree with or enjoy.
- Unfollow. If you don't like the person, why are you still following him/her?
- Provide some feedback. Instead of saying "You suck!", say "I feel that your current work is not as good as before, maybe you should work on improving XYZ."

I feel that the online community is lacking in manners and cyber bullying is rampant. The next time you see someone being rude or a bully online, I would recommend that you tell the person off nicely. We need to cultivate a gracious society not just offline, but online too.


  1. Never feel down! You are perfect in any other ways!

  2. Recognize that these individuals are in fact deprived themselves, that they not ought to be criticized or pitied, but empathized.
    That their innate sense of inferiority prodded them to factitiously boost their ego the only way they know how to, by demeaning others.
    They would only do it online away from face to face communication, not in real life with the presence of implicit feedback from facial expressions and body language.
    They are not even expecting an audience, or directly addressing anyone. Such comments are only for themselves, for the short term -good effect after venting such malice, when actually they're reinforcing negative associations internally (behaviour to feelings), trapped in a vicious cycle.

    That's where you and your wonderful team come in, to bring smiles and happiness, and to appreciate the little things we take comfort in.
    Stay brainy (cause "brainy is the new sexy". Cookie if you can spot the reference)

  3. bully people always feel insecure about something in them, there's a reason for people to throw a "rude" comments on you and your friends, they need an attention and need socially accepted by community.

    why bother them, if you deal with them they'll throw more mean words at you, because that's what they need, they need social recognition by other people that's why they say something bad about someone and the spotlight will change on them, everyone's attention will focused on them and they got socially recognized so in that way they feel some "acceptance" inside their mind.

    well yeah you must admit that there's lot more people prettier, sexier, smarter, richer than you but why bother them if your circumstances not supporting you to be like them, do what you need to do and ignore them so in that way they'll feel no acceptance in them.
